Laravel SPA Auth

Your Go-To Resource for Solving SPA and Mobile Authentication Problems with Laravel

Are you tired of battling with SPA authentication issues with Laravel?

CORS issues, miss-configured cookies, stateful domains, 419 CSRF token miss-matches, 401 responses, persisting browser auth state , and so on...

You're not the only one.

weeks, and sometimes even can be lost trying to get your favorite frontend framework to work with Laravel.

Things can get really frustrating... 🤬🤬🤬

I've been there too, and I've seen many people benefit from my videos and articles . But the truth is, a few short videos is not enough to cover *everything* . That's why I'm creating this course.

Introducing "Mastering Sanctum": the ultimate step-by-step guide to solve all your SPA and Mobile authentication problems with Laravel. We start by answering questions like  what exactly is CSRF; why do we need it? how do cookies work? what the hell is CORS?!? , and we go all the way to how to persist auth state in the browser and  how to authenticate SPAs using different domain names.

That's not all – the course will come with ready-to-use starter kits for Nuxt, Vue, and React Native.

I am extremely excited to be working on this!

Get free previews, behind the scene updates, and a discount

when the course launches 👊

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